How does the Village Hall Survive?
The Village Hall is a Charity, it aims to provide services to the Parish and maintain a financial balance, ie its non-profit making, but needs income to maintain the Village Hall building and services which cost approx £10,000/year to maintain. It does this by;
Our Charity accounts can be found here.
The Village Hall Draw
Stowe by Chartley Village Hall lies at the heart of the community and is of course available to hire throughout the year for all occasions eg weddings receptions, birthday parties, group meetings etc.
However, like all important community buildings the Hall needs money and volunteer time to ensure the building is well maintained.
For many years the village hall committee has organised a monthly prize raffle.
For a yearly fee of £40 you can join the club.
You will receive a lucky number and each month your number will be entered into the draw. The winner receives £80 each month.
There is also an extra Christmas draw which means you have 13 winning chances per year.
The monies received provides essential “bedrock” finance for the Hall.
There are currently several available lucky numbers – if you are keen to join the club please ring Chris Welch 07791 468610 or 01889 271117
or for all the details.
Payment via Bank Transfer is preferred: Stowe Village Hall, 01-01-38, 25415158, please use payment reference: "MDRAW"
The Village Fete
The Village Fete is held yearly, its run on the Parish Council owned parish field, by the side of the Village Hall. We thank the Parish Council for the use of this field on a yearly basis. We organise various stalls for the benefit of Children and their parents such as BBQ, Punch and Judy, a Raffle and games galore. The Fete is key in income terms to funding the Hall, without this event the Hall would certainly run at a loss and would eventually have to close.
Charity Commission
As a charity the Village Hall has to file income and expenditure yearly. You can find the charity commission public website here are look at all the information they have on Stowe Village Hall. Historicall the image below is from the Charity Commission website and shows the years through the covid epidemic where we received grants. You will also see the expenditure which averages around £8-9K per year, and that during 2020 we had a high expenditure due to investing in a new entrance porch.